Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Too Young to Retire. Too old to work

As I sit here and ponder, cigarette in my mouth, unlit, fingers to the keyboard, and at age 44, will I be able to work? According to Title VII, I cannot be discriminated because I am in the protected class. I am older than 35 years old (I think that's under T-7) and I am of Japanese ancestry. But with the destruction of our country by Reagan's trickle-down economics and Bush's tax cuts and everything in between, there need not be a reason to say: I am not hiring you because you are Asian or older than 35, I am not hiring you because there are no position  open. Why? Because people older than me are remaining in their jobs. They don't dare retire so early and I can;t join the military because I AM TOO OLD! not that I would but what about what Thom Hartmann recommended?

Lower the retirement age to 55 years old. What? Kick people out of work (no forget completing this comment, you're all liberals). The idea of retiring folks at 55 would make a lot of sense. So when workers can actually enjoy their retirement, they could travel and spend their hard-earned money to rebuild the economy. In business/economic classes, why do you spend money? To get the latest fad? To keep up with the Jones'? No. You spend money so that corporations can be bailed out. To keep the economy stimulated. So dropping the age of retirement to 55, families and friends can travel all around the U.S. and stimulate the local economy. Ain't that a hoot. But then teabaggers (like the ones in Kentucky) may wonder where will we get the money to to this? The wealthy. When you make more than $106.000 a year, there is a cap. If you remove the cap, you remove the problems relating to the social security problem...the fear of running out???

As you can see, the same morons who are in line demanding their money the Republicans want to cut, so they could give their hard-earned money to the corporations like the Koch Brothers are getting what they voted for.

No money. And after voting for Rand Paul who said he wants to cut government waste may mean social programs. There was also the mention of the military, but why would Paul want to cut funding to Raytheon, Halliburton, Blackwater and other defense contractors who may have donated to his campaign? Did you ever think that he may cut the V.A.? If the Republicans are willing to cut the throats of their own constituents, what makes you think they would give a damn about vets outside of Kentucky?

They don't. And the Kentuckians above realized it...unless they'll believe the garbage that the Reichwing will put out that it is Obama's and the Democratic party's fault. And will the Democrats fight back?


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