Monday, January 3, 2011

Julian Assange and Michael Moore vs. Teabaggers

What do Michael Moore and Julian Assange have in common? Both are hated by the Teabaggers and for the wrong reasons...especially Michael Moore.

Tiger Street Journal: "Tigerleaks": Julian Assange is NOT a real truther!

From Day 1 when the wikileaks story came out there was a lot of suspicions on why would the media decided cover it? If the Media didn't cover a major story that you found with all these coverups, you will be declared in my standard a real truther. If the media is constantly repeating the same stories on what i already knew and some neo-con or neo-liberal movie director decides to throw his or her support to Assange. This will raise a red flag if any. But if you were rewarded some big prize from a globalist organization and supports the zionist movement. You are out! This is the case here

When Julian Assange got bail i said great! I think i love this guy. But when i discovered that some of the money was from a neo-liberal American Film Director named Michael Moore i said "Stop RIGHT THERE"! Michael Moore is an anti gun activist, pro-democrat/neo liberal who supported the failed healthcare overhaul in 1995 when Bill and Hillary Clinton were in office! Also supported Obamacare in 2010. All of his films were directed at George Bush BUT NOT Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obama, or why Obama is a puppet! Why is that? That just comes to show you the shills of so called film directors who expose the lies and pretend to be real people like nobel prize people, medal of honor, etc. For the link on this see here  it was "only" $20k but good enough to raise eyebrows.
I don't know the intent of Julian Assange, but I do like the fact that he is exposing the Bush Crime Family as well as the Obama administration. If it's to promote this Zionist agenda....Bush supported the Rightwing chapter of the Zionist movement, therefore, why would Assange expose the Bush Crime Family as well as the Obama administration? But I digress.Another topic. The health care or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act AKA Obama Care is corrupt as Tiger mentioned. Obama dealt with the drug and insurance companies and both are elated. So I agree that the PPAC is not say, a single payer plan. But what got to me was his distrust or he abhoring Michael Moore's movie Sicko.

Reading Tiger's blog, he's against corporatism. Names like: Rockefeller comes up and he shows his distaste by printing this. But what other avenues are there? Non-profit? Another form of government regulation he detests. Single payer? More government control. Again, he is against corporatism. So what now? No insurance? No medical care? Nothing? Let people die? What now? So lets put aside all of these ideas for a sec and see where his distrust of government-controlled health comes from.

Glenn Beck: Pathway to Single-Payer System

March 22, 2010 - 4:31 ET
It is a big, big weekend.
The health care vote is happening on Sunday and the process (that President Obama doesn't care about) has been so abused that the average person in America has no idea what is even happening.
The Sunday vote would make changes to the Senate-passed bill while deeming the original legislation to have passed the House. Yes, forget the whole "it has to pass both the House and the Senate" thing in the Constitution. No, no — we'll just "deem" that it passed the House.
Congress doesn't seem to mind the fact that Gallup shows their approval rating is the lowest ever: 16 percent. They don't care that 73 percent of America doesn't want this bill. So why are they pushing? Because radicals want this. It's just a pathway to a single-payer system.
Jon Stewart did a segment making fun of me — that I'm crazy, that I'm wrong. It was very funny, but help me out, Jon: Where am I wrong?
Nancy Pelosi said: "We won that fight, and once we kick through this door, there'll be more legislation to follow."
Tom Harkin said:
SEN. TOM HARKIN, D-IOWA: As I said before, this bill is not complete. I've used the analogy of a starter home in which we can add additions and enhancements as we go into the future. But like every right that we've ever passed the American people, we revisit it later on to enhance and build on those rights and we will do that here surely.
Now listen to what Joe Biden said about insurance companies:
VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Some of them I say they say, well, Joe, look, man, I mean, you know, you guys haven't messaged this very well. And, you know, this thing has gone on so long, I don't know. And my response is: Hey, man, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I'm telling you: You know, pre-existing, they're going to be covered. You know we're going to control the insurance companies.
So, not only were we right and the Tea Partiers were right, they said this was their plan the whole time:
CENTER FOR AMERICAN PROGRESS: Because of some of the, you know, rules about reconciliation, that you actually have to include the student aid bill with the health care bill. This was the plan all along. When the budget came out for 2010, instructions were given for reconciliation for both health care and for student loans.
We were right — they were clearly lying and they were clearly trying to cloud the facts:
SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.
Who's been creating the fog?
What about when the president said this to Bret Baier:
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Now, you keep on repeating the notion that it's one-sixth of the economy. Yes, it's one-sixth of the economy, but we're not transforming one-sixth of the economy all in one fell swoop.
It will be transformed slowly. How do I know this? Compare this week's statement with what he said in 2007:
THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: It is my belief that not just politically but also economically, it's better for us to start getting a system in place — a universal health care system — signed into law by the end of my first term as president and build off that system to further — to make it more rational — by the way, Canada did not start off immediately with a single-payer system. They had a similar transition step.
Transitioning a system is a very difficult and costly and lengthy enterprise. It's not like you could turn on a switch and you go from one system to another.
Thanks, but no thanks. We know what's coming.
Hmmm, Seems like it came from Glenn Beck. Hmmm. So it must be true! But wait, is it? This is a post I did on Glenn Beck's blog. I doubt that he'll answer. And if he does, I would be laughing all the way.This is what I wrote:

Right on Glenn Beck! Single Payer is evil!!!! That Communist Propaganda is tearing the moral fiber of the U.S. and should not mentioned by ANYONE in Congress. It's socialism at its finest and must be quashed forever! Even President George W. Bush detested single payer health care. He hate it so much that he used $1.3 trillion of our money to not ONLY fight a war that had nothing to do with 9/11, but also forced the terrorists to use single payer health care and free education.



FIRST: Civil and Political RightsFIRST: Civil and Political Rights

Article 31:

First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The state takes care of public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and medical institutions.

Second: Individuals and institutions may build hospitals or clinics or places for treatment with the supervision of the state and this shall be regulated by law.

Article 34:

First: Education is a fundamental factor in the progress of society and is a right guaranteed by the state. Primary education is mandatory and the state guarantees to eradicate illiteracy.

Second: Free education is a right for all Iraqis in all its stages.

Third: The State encourages scientific research for peaceful purposes that serve man and supports excellence, creativity, invention and the different aspects of ingenuity.

Fourth: Private and public education is guaranteed. This shall be regulated by law.

Oooo, see that Glenn? The Bush administration required the Iraqi government to promote health and welfare while we as U.S. citizens are not burdened by this. And to top it off, we used OUR money to pay for these terrorists to die!!!! No wait, free education and health care?

Therefore, I wonder if Tiger truly understands that the information he's receiving from his elected officials (presumably a Republican) voted to spend more than $1.2 trillion to fight and kill innocent Iraqi lives (which he abhors), and present the people of Iraq more rights than we in the U.S.? I wonder? No. No need, because, his mind is made up. Socialism is bad. The war is bad. Single payer health is bad. But he like many other teabaggers were silent when Bush was in office. And even if he weren't, he wasn't vocal enough to dissuade his representative from supporting the Iraqi Constitution when we ourselves as a nation cannot receive the same benefits as them.

Greedy pricks!

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