A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person or people to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely. Perpetrators of DoS attacks typically target sites or services hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks, credit card payment gateways, and even root nameservers. The term is generally used with regards to computer networks, but is not limited to this field, for example, it is also used in reference to CPU resource management.[1]
One common method of attack involves saturating the target machine with external communications requests, such that it cannot respond to legitimate traffic, or responds so slowly as to be rendered effectively unavailable. In general terms, DoS attacks are implemented by either forcing the targeted computer(s) to reset, or consuming its resources so that it can no longer provide its intended service or obstructing the communication media between the intended users and the victim so that they can no longer communicate adequately.
Denial-of-service attacks (a form of cyberterrorism) are considered violations of the IAB's Internet proper use policy, and also violate the acceptable use policies of virtually all Internet service providers. They also commonly constitute violations of the laws of individual nations.[2]
Piss off these geeks, and the group could cripple Limbaugh's website. i don't remember Fox News criticizing Wikileaks either. and they won't. Because the moment they do. The moment Glenn Beck says something stupid, down goes their site. And both Limbaugh and Fox rely heavily on their website for income. So it's merely a self-protect mode that neither have the capability to defend. Most geeks are liberals. There are some conservative hackers, but many are the ones who are harassed by the jock or made fun of by the cheerleaders. So how does that boy or girl/man or woman seek vengeance? Not with their fist, but by collapsing the economy. They have the capability of taking down a country's economy by going after the banks. BofA is on the Operation: Payback, (the same group who took down a Swedish Bank) radar and what I'm hearing is that BofA is nervous. While local banks and credit unions are doing well.
Getting back to the boy or girl/man or woman, they are at the helm getting ready to take down the culprits who destroyed our economy. Who want to censor Assange and seek vengeance from the past...so other geeks and nerds don't get the butts kicked. This is their battle and they are rising a lot faster than Microsoft can put out patches to prevent DoS attacks. Frightening, huh? But suffice to say, the next revolution will not be with WMDs. It'll be with the person's brain.
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