Monday, December 6, 2010

...And the Geek Shall Inherit the Earth

OK OK, so I lifted and changed the quote from Rush (the band) song 2112 Overture..OK OK, They lifted it from Matthew 5:5: Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. But I digress. Rocking intro though, ain't it? AGAIN I DIGRESS! So why did I quote Rush and change Meek to Geek? Because the pimple-faced fat guy for whom you picked on, may be the savior of democracy. How so? Because:

These folks are non-violent. These folks were probably beaten up because they are geeks. These folks are mad. These folks can be your neighbors who may not like weapons of mass destruction, so these folks are revolting. And they are revolting hard. They are liberals, conservatives, libertarians, Christians, Muslims, Jews, tea party (not teabaggers), Asian, blacks, Hispanic, Native Americans, whites who probably realized the oppression like: the censorship of the Internet, the heavy hands from the government from their corporate masters (Gramm Leach Bliley, Citizens United vs. FEC, NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, WTO, GATT, Bilderberg, CFR and so on), the soldiers whose father, mother, brother, sister, niece, nephew, cousin, wife, husband, lover, same sex partners died and  


They can't fight. They probably don't have the training nor the wherewithal to pick up a gun, missile, knife, rock, brick, or other weapons of mass destruction to defend themselves. They themselves were probably raped, beaten up, sodomized, tortured and they feel that what Julian Assange is going through they went through too. This is their revolution and I suspect the first round has started. No one died, no one was hurt, no one was tortured, but now the elite who once controlled us with fear, are now fearing these geeks.

You started this. You used OUR police and Sheriff's Deputies and federal agents, who answer to us; against us. You used our commons to silence us. Apparently, no more. The war has begun and and in this war, no amount of fear or oppression or violence will stop these people. The pimple-faced kid you made fun of has now revolted. Remember the four boxes to preserve liberty?

Four boxes preserve our liberty: the soap box, ballot box, jury box, and cartridge box (in that order)
 In the geek world, they too have four boxes, but instead of the cartridge box, they have a more power box called their computers. That box with a little power and modem can take down anything. They took down a bank. What makes you think they won't try their best and end the war? Eliminate net neutrality? There are seven continents on this planet. Shut one down and you have five more to deal with.

Good luck

And the Geek Shall Inherit the Earth

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