Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jan Brewer hates Americans!

Pretty powerful comment for a woman who hates illegal immigrants and undocumented workers, but hear me out. We all know that she wants to deport every last Mexican: undocumented, documented, legal and citizen out of Arizona. Her accusation of headless corpse in the Arizona desert was blown out of the water by her own employees: Arizona coroner's office, so what now? Well it seems that Jan Brewer has a vested interest in the immigration issue than she does with U.S. citizens.

I was appalled by this story. Let me introduce to you Arizona's U.S. citizen:

 Francisco Felix, 32, a father of four who has hepatitis C and is in need of a liver, received news a few weeks ago that a family friend was dying and wanted to donate her liver to him. But the budget cuts meant he no longer qualified for a state-financed transplant.

He was prepared anyway at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center as his relatives scrambled to raise the needed $200,000. When the money did not come through, the liver went to someone else on the transplant list
Randy Shepherd, who needs a heart transplant, showed scars from an earlier operation. He hopes a decision is reversed.
Neither of these folks are: illegals, undocumented nor undesirable. They are hard-working family men. But Jan Brewer seems to have an interest in spending the stimulus money she didn't want:

...Advocates have called on Governor Brewer to use some of the state’s $185 million in federal stimulus funds to restart the procedures. Brewer, who opposed the stimulus, says all the money is gravely needed for other projects. Which she will not name.
But she's willing to house, feed, clothe, give free medical, dental, and so forth to undocumented workers than pay to have U.S.citizens in AZ cured of their ailments? Jan was against the Obama stimulus money, so why not use it on U.S. citizens? Because she does not care about U.S. citizens

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