Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Decmber 7...Was an Inside Job

Every December 7 is a painful and upsetting moment for me. Not just because I'm of Japanese ancestry, but the fact that people still have not learned that the attack on Pearl harbor was no surprise attack. Photos of Japanese midget sub sunk by the U.S. Navy are on the website of the University of Hawaii's School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology in Manoa. If you want to see the photos and read the investigation, Google Japanese Midget Sub. Yet the same questions I asked they asked:  A number of questions still remain over this submarine, which was the first casualty in the war between the U.S. and Japan. Why did the Naval command at Pearl Harbor apparently ignore a confirmed enemy sinking right off its harbor mouth? Why? Because the U.S. wanted this to happen.

Pearl Harbor in my opinion was an inside job. How so? Because prior to the "surprise" attack, there were laws prohibiting Asian into the United States and the ones who were, were prohibited from owning property. For example:

01) May 6, 1882 Congress passes the Chinese Exclusion Act

02) California Alien Land Law of 1913: The California Alien Land Law of 1913 prohibited "aliens ineligible for citizenship" (i.e., all Asian immigrants) from owning land or property, but permited three year leases. It affected the Chinese, Indian, Japanese, and Korean immigrant farmers in California.

03) The Immigration Act of 1924:limited the number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2% of the number of people from that country who were already living in the United States in 1890, down from the 3% cap set by the Immigration Restriction Act of 1921

These three laws and many more were implemented to suppress the growth of the Asian immigrants, so to bypass these laws, the offspring, the second generation would have property under their names and California flourished. Japanese for example farmed and owned most of the west coast. In my neck of the woods, it was not clear when the first Japanese came to Riverside California , but by the mid-1890s, sizable numbers of Japanese men worked in the citrus groves that were the backbone of the city's economy. By 1900, as many as three thousand Japanese laborers lived in Riverside during the citrus harvest, though their numbers waxed and waned with the agricultural cycle. They worked in the groves alongside Whites, Chinese, Koreans, and Mexicans.

Not all the Japanese were agricultural workers, though. In 1890, the first Japanese-owned grocery store in Riverside was opened by the Kumaru brothers, and in 1895, the first Japanese-owned restaurant was started by Isokichi Ezawa (serving 'American' food). Two more Japanese grocery stores were opened in 1900 and 1901 and they quickly began to serve as contractors for Japanese laborers, serving as middlemen between the Japanese workers and the citrus plantation managers. In 1902, Yagichiro Kinoshita started up a large-scale chicken and hog ranch in west Riverside . By 1908, a Japanese Association (Nihonjin-kai) had been established and had about four hundred members-presumably all or most of the adult Japanese men in Riverside.

Then the problems started: anti-Japanese hostility sometimes flared up when White laborers feared economic competition. In 1896, for instance, a group of White laborers attacked some thirty Japanese laborers and drove them out of town. Similar incidents took place in the nearby cities of Redlands, Rialto, Highland, Upland, Cucamonga, and Corona between 1895 and 1905. With the Japanese Americans doing so well in the local business, there had to be a way to end this. After much lobbying and racist laws implemented, Pearl Harbor was attacked and 120,000 Americans were placed into concentration camps.

Pearl Harbor played two roles for Roosevelt.

01) To go to war
02) To promote fear of a Japanese and Japanese Americans

Funny thing was, when the Japanese and Japanese Americans were placed into the concentration camps, the agriculture on the west coast dwindled. Why? Because just like the Dust Bowl in Kentucky, without proper irrigation and farming experience like crop rotation, the soil was annihilated and many Japanese Americans who were in the concentration camps were released and paid to work on the farms which they lost.

Fast forwarding to today:

It appears that even with all the evidence present, there are many who believe that the attack was a surprise. I am on Facebook and I am friends with teabaggers and Republicans. Why? So I could share the stupidity of the conservative party with all my liberal friends. Like So:

Michael Higgins The liberals say it was America Mistake and horrible to drop the A bomb on Japan. But Peal Harbor was perfectly Ok to happen to America according to the Liberals. Bill Clinton the other ass hole democrat president apologized to Japan for Dropping the A bomb. I wonder if Clinton every dropped a wreath in the water at Pearl Harbor and said a real prayer? America, Remember Pearl Harbor day This Tuesday
I got this from Jan Brewer's page and like Michael (above) of Miami Florida, there are many who still types the same illiterate garbage as Michael. Michael is a self-proclaimed teabagger who is against socialism but supported the attack by not questioning a socialist president??? His English is atrocious and I have relatives in Japan who cannot speak a lick of English but can write a lot better than him. But this is the mentality we face. I am a Democratic liberal as you know Mike and I do question and have called Roosevelt and Truman murdering racists. I may support their socialist agenda, but the violence brought upon my people is unquestionably racist. But Michael and many Republicans cannot see this.

. There were 2,403 people killed on Decmber 07,1941, 68 of those were civilians. 1,178 were wounded. Of the 68 civilians. most if not all were from friendly fire. When the U.S. shot upwards, the bombs and bullets landed on the homes of the locals. When will these teabaggers learn the true history and not be sheep to what they fear the most? The New World Order?

Rest in Peace soldiers, you were murdered by your own GODDAMN country.

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