Why? Why would China be obliged to help the U.S.? Is it because:U.S. lawmakers seek China's help with North Korea
"Unfortunately, China is not behaving as a responsible world power," Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said on CNN's "State of the Union."
"They could bring the North Korean economy to its knees if they wanted to. And I cannot believe that the Chinese should, in a mature fashion, not find it in their interest to restrain North Korea. So far, they are not."
China is not behaving like a world super power? So what will McCain introduce, trade embargo with China? Increase tariff? Boycott China? GO TO WAR WITH CHINA??? This is all showboating folks. McCain is talking tough but will not do anything to force China to be the puppet-master and control their puppet the NoKos. We stepped into this mess, we need to clean it up. If McCain were truly concerned, he would introduce legislation to end the trade barrier to NoKo. Feed the children, end all hostility NoKo and SoKo and tell China we do not need their help thank you and pull all corporations out of the China.
Kin Jung Il is a nut. But is he any any different than say John McCain? You tell me
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