On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died. (Ennes)So were Jews responsible for this? Uh no. Should any Temple or Rabbi be held responsible for this? Uh no.
The former was the inspiration for Timothy McVeigh; the latter includes his self-written eulogy. Together, they show how terrorist McVeigh choose the wrong administration - and terrorist Osama bin Laden, by luck of the draw, chose the right one - to harm American democracy.
The Turner Diaries is an apocalyptic novel that opens with a convenience store robbery and ends with an Armageddon-style worldwide holocaust leaving only white Anglo-Saxon Protestants standing. The government of the United States responds to a terrorist attack (the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma) by cracking down on dissent, expanding the power of the Executive Branch, and shredding constitutional civil rights protections. White "patriots" respond by declaring war against the government that had once tried to take away their guns. Thus begins the cycle of violence that ends with the ultimate worldwide war, a vision straight out of the Book of Revelation.
But Tim McVeigh's expectation of a repressive federal reaction to his right-wing terrorism ran into a snag: Bill Clinton knew the difference between a rogue nation and a rogue criminal. (Hartmann)
So do we go after the protestants and burn down churches? No. Why? Because Turner was a Christian extremist, and like the Muslims (according to people who hate Muslims) would do anything to get their agenda promoted. So why is it NOT OK to apply the same hatred upon Jews and Christians who kill and torture U.S. citizens? Can it be because it's wrong ? OF COURSE IT'S WRONG! And before you call me an antisemitic, know that the Jews in Europe respect and welcomed my uncles and all the Japanese Americans during and after the war when they helped liberate them when it was the Christians who treated my uncles and people like garbage? So I am NOT an antisemitic nor am I anti-christian. I may be an atheist or an agnostic, but none of the people who believes in a religion that promotes terrorism should be treated that way. Nor should the temple and its congregants in Oregon. Imagine atheist burning down YOUR church, YOUR temple because YOUR religion promoted or promotes terrorism?
Ennes, James. "USS Liberty Memorial." USS LibertyMemorial. James Ennes Jr., 2007. Web. 28 Nov
2010. < http://www.gtr5.com/ >
Hartmann, Thom. "The Crime Of The Century: A Never-
Ending "War Against Terrorism"." Thom Hartmann.
Thom Hartmann, 30, April, 2003. Web. 28 Nov
2010. < http://www.thomhartmann.net/articles/2003/04/crime-century-never-ending-war-against-terrorism >
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