I wonder if this guy is so stupid that even with all the facts, it still evil? I mean I even called his military a socialst organization and supported something he is receiving because I AM PAYING FIOR IT...Well you too. Lets see what else he psots and I'll post more
//You forgot my 4+ years of free college in the benefits that you supply to me...thank you by the way.//
You are quite welcome and many a liberals are quite happy you used your four years of our tax money to go to school. It beats spending $3.3 trillion on foreign banks because the regulations to prevent this was removed under Gramm Leach Bliley Act. Google Glass Steagall.
//In all honesty, I can appreciate your point of view. I disagree with some aspects of it but I can appreciate it. I have a serious question for you Timothy. So when do we draw the line on regulation? Do we allow our government to continue to regulate us to the point where we can't even make simple decisions on what to eat or drink, how we think, what we say, who lives who dies (ooh Healthcare already doing that one)? I'm not saying it's going to happen tomorrow or even ten years from now, but really when does it end? Somehow we have shifted from the "American Dream" to the "American Guarantee". Don't worry if you can't make it on your own, the US Government will take care of it. That is socialism my friend, that is fascism. Adolf Hitler said, "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think."//
Hitler First of all was a fascist, but arguably speaking used socialism as a monetary policy to prop up his 3rd Reich. Yes Nazi is Nationalist Socialist Workers' Party. but socialism is a monetary policy and not a government idealism like Democracy. You have to remember, the government is NOT Obama, Not Bush Jr. Not Clinton Not Bush Sr Not Reagan. It's OF BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE. And as a soldier, you are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States as per your REGULATION called the UCMJ. You are to follow the UCMJ to the letter and DEFEND the people of the USofA. Yet I find it quite interesting that people who are in the military question regulations soldiers are sworn to uphold.
//Again, I am not saying that there should be no regulation on business in America that would be a disaster. I am not saying there should be no rules (nice how you twisted that one). What I am saying is that if the government regulates business too much in a free market economy they will leave and do business elsewhere taking the jobs and infrastructure with them. Look around how's that unemployment rate doing. Going back to the American Guarantee...unemployment benefits extended again, social security, stimulus package. TO BIG TO FAIL, seriously? Let them go, they made their bed and they can lie in it. Why should the government stick their hands in the business of a bank you acted greedily and took advantage of their customers. The ultimate punishment is to let them go. Economic Darwinism.//
I twisted your words? I am merely quoting what you are saying. Of course i do not like regulations that stifles the growth of people. But you said something interesting:
///What I am saying is that if the government regulates business too much in a free market economy they will leave and do business elsewhere taking the jobs and infrastructure with them. Look around how's that unemployment rate doing. Going back to the American Guarantee...unemployment benefits extended again, social security, stimulus package. TO BIG TO FAIL, ///
The economy went sour because of derivatives/toxic asset and bets that did not exist and still don't. Banks were ALLOWED to do this with money the commons entrusted to them and invest in people who they knew would falter on their mortgage. Were these people credit risks? Actually, no. Many of them had good jobs and were paying, or thought they were paying a 30 year fixed @ 4.5% but signed a contract that said that after five years, the interest will balloon to 7% to 9%. Now the feds are stepping in and are actually looking into arresting CEOs. Their defense? Deregulating Glass Steagall. But getting back to your comment, are there some things that need to be deregulated? Yes. The Patriot Act 1 and 2. Why? Because of Sneak and Peek. Here is what the conservative Fact Check had to say: http://www.factcheck.org/article259.html
///"Without Notifying Us"
The USA Patriot Act does indeed include a provision that allows the government to conduct searches and seizures without immediate notification. But that’s not the whole story.
Delayed notification is only allowed under certain conditions. And federal authorities must still obtain a warrant from a judge under the same “probable-cause” requirements as before.
For instance, the law allows delayed notification if providing immediate notification would have an “adverse result,” which is defined five ways:
(A) endangering the life or physical safety of an individual;
(B) flight from prosecution;
(C) destruction of or tampering with evidence;
(D) intimidation of potential witnesses; or
(E) otherwise seriously jeopardizing an investigation or unduly delaying a trial.///
That's why under the Fifth Amendment, an LEO needs to call a judge, swear under oath that everything he or she is saying is true and get the search warrant. So what needs changing? A thru E and their the rights for an LEO to make an arrest or detain is already in the books...without a search warrant
(B) flight from prosecution
If an LEO suspect that someone has a WMD, then they can stop that person. Not come in to someone's dwelling or place of buusiness and find evidence only to use it later to make an arrest. So I am against that. I am also against illegal wiretapping. Active duty members of the military patrolling our streets violating Posse comitatus.
Yes, I am against the deregulation of our freedom and creating regulations where corporations prosper. And you also said ///What I am saying is that if the government regulates business too much in a free market economy they will leave and do business elsewhere taking the jobs and infrastructure with them.///
To prevent that, you raise taxes. Ever heard of tariffs? Something Reagan cut? Bush Sr. Cut? So did Clinton and Bush Jr? Actually Obama increased tariffs to protect our tire industry fromn China and China made a big stink. Why aren't we? They raised import taxes up to 35% while we lowered ours to 3%? And we're not griping? Oh and now China also increased the export of rare earth: http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2010/12/29/chinas-cut-rare-earth-exports-raises-trade-worries/ and will sharply increase prices of high tech devices. So why don't we dredge up Rare Earth?
In terms of the raw materials used to make the permanent magnets, the country's foremost supplier (80 percent) of rare earth materials (Molycorp) went bankrupt in 1998 and shut down after spending millions to remake its mining facilities following Bureau of Land Management complaints that it was endangering the desert-tortoise environment.///
But then,The bankrupt Molycorp came back: http://www.molycorp.com/ You know how? By my state giving them tax breaks, so they can dredge up RareEarth, and manufacture green products and hiring people. Which means more $$$ to spend and California getting out of the conservative-created depression. Had the $3.3 trillion went to companies like MolyCorp instead of the TOO BIG TO FAIL BANKS (especially the ones in Europe and Asia), then there would not be this problem. But in the mean time, we're spending money in Iraq and Afghanistan, rebuilding their infrastructure and not ours??? This is the Iraqi Constitution Bush created:
Look at article 31:
Article 31:
First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The state takes care of public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and medical institutions.
Second: Individuals and institutions may build hospitals or clinics or places for treatment with the supervision of the state and this shall be regulated by law.
Also you said: ///Do we allow our government to continue to regulate us to the point where we can't even make simple decisions on what to eat or drink, how we think, what we say, who lives who dies (ooh Healthcare already doing that one)?///
They do it for your V.A. and now Iraq.
Article 34 and 34:
///First: Education is a fundamental factor in the progress of society and is a right guaranteed by the state. Primary education is mandatory and the state guarantees to eradicate illiteracy.
Second: Free education is a right for all Iraqis in all its stages.
Third: The State encourages scientific research for peaceful purposes that serve man and supports excellence, creativity, invention and the different aspects of ingenuity.
Fourth: Private and public education is guaranteed. This shall be regulated by law.///
This was back in 2005 when the Republicans were the majority.
///Regulation is not the sole answer to a dynamic problem. A dynamic problem has no simple solution. There may appear to be a simple solution, but it is a temporary fix. A band-aid that covers deeper issues our children will come to bear. The real question is how do we solve this dynamic problem like intelligent human beings. Not like a scared flock of sheep who cry out for the federal government to aid us. I am talking about sweeping change to how our businesses think, act, and treat their customer base. They want to ensure the company is profitable. They cannot make a profit without the money from their customer's wallet.///
Funny thing, when taxes on the top 1% was 74% and your taxes were a lot lower, it seemed to work fine. Remember the days when the woman stayed home and took care of the house? Taxes on the wealthy were high. Why? Because what obligation do the businesses have for us? Nothing, Their fiduciary duty is to make a profit, not support you or me. But I chuckle you writing this, and ended up help create a well-regulated Constitution for Iraq, where 70% of the U.S. would love to have. You know single payer health? like you have in the V.A. which we collectively (there's that socialist word) and gladly pay?
///I think you should check out some Glenn Beck of the best news channel ever...FOX!
That was a joke man, but seriously...///
I don't have a T.V. set. I can't afford it and I do my news watching on the Internet. That's what being a liberal is.