A liberal Asian American perspective of the world that surrounds us...
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Mayor Jean Quan
Oakland Mayor Jean Quan
October 25, 2011
7:30 am
Statement from Mayor Jean Quan about
today’s enforcement action
Many Oaklanders support the goals of the national Occupy Wall Street movement. We maintained daily communication with the protest0rs in Oakland.
However, over the last week it was apparent that neither the demonstrators nor the City could maintain safe or sanitary conditions, or control the ongoing vandalism. Frank Ogawa Plaza will continue to be open as a free speech area from 6 am to 10 pm.
We want to thank the police, fire, public works and other employees who worked over the last week to peacefully close the encampment. We also thank the majority of the protestors who peacefully complied with city officials.
I commend Chief Jordan for a generally peaceful resolution to a situation that deteriorated and concerned our community. His leadership was critical in the successful execution of this operation. City Administrator Deanna Santana developed the plan and secured mutual aid from other departments and the State of California. She will direct departmental teams, including safety, public works, communications, to restore conditions at the Plaza so that it is available for public use.
The City welcomes all Oaklanders to continue to use the Plaza during daylight hours for peaceful protest.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Who would have known? Not me. Well, maybe so many years later, but not at the time. Amazing how so many things pop up after the fact, but could it have been prevented? Did they wanted it to be prevented? Who knows. But it sure seems to be so especially after the interview by Norman Mineta
Why did former Secretary of Transportation say what he said? Mineta is a man of integrity and Bill Clinton picked Mineta as the secretary of Commerce. And within that six months, Japan thought that Mineta would be Japan friendly. Boy, were they wrong. Mineta said what he said because he did not want to lie. He was responsible and his testimony should have put the Bush Crime Family in prison.
Fast forwarding 10 years, things still have not changed and we're still in war and now our economy sucks. Maybe it's time that we end these memorial. I mean there is no memorial for OKC bombing or the attack on the USS Liberty. Why? We were healed. Cannot the 9/11 be the same? Or was it truly an inside job so that we could remain in war?
Why did former Secretary of Transportation say what he said? Mineta is a man of integrity and Bill Clinton picked Mineta as the secretary of Commerce. And within that six months, Japan thought that Mineta would be Japan friendly. Boy, were they wrong. Mineta said what he said because he did not want to lie. He was responsible and his testimony should have put the Bush Crime Family in prison.
Fast forwarding 10 years, things still have not changed and we're still in war and now our economy sucks. Maybe it's time that we end these memorial. I mean there is no memorial for OKC bombing or the attack on the USS Liberty. Why? We were healed. Cannot the 9/11 be the same? Or was it truly an inside job so that we could remain in war?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Nagasaki August 9
This is a conversation between a right-winger supporting the destruction created by a Democratic President with me in Facebook. Seems like the right suffers from cognitive dissonance.
Tim Murphy Truman's rage? I hope that you are not asserting that the US should not have dropped the bomb.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Uh yes Tim.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Murphy Uh, why Tim?
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles So Tim, is it justifiable to kill American citizens? Do the ends justify the means? If so that is so unAmerican
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Tim you're a conservative, right? If so you of all people should be on my side
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles And I am a liberal
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles So do the ends justify the means?
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Murphy The American POW deaths were unintentional. If the US had to fight their way to Japan, there would have been tens of thousands of US casualties....what would have been your decision if you were Truman?
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles
Unintentional? http://soldiersangelsmedical.blogspot.com/2009/07/three-us-pows-added-to-roster-of.html
Tell that to the families of these Americans who were killed. So you're justifying the murders of 12 U.S. citizens, when, surprise surpri...se, the Republicans Party in the U.S. were against Truman's barbarism. Especially when it was learned that Americans died.
Tell that to the family members of these dead soldiers that. The soldiers HAD no choice in the matter. They were drafted and they were murdered. And yes, I had to agree with the Republicans in Congress who abhorred Truman's decision and called him a war criminal.
Do you stand by the patriotic Republicans who spoke up against the bombing or will you stand with the murderous Democratic party? Are you a patriot and wanted these soldiers free or are you unamerican and and felt that the decision by a Democratic president WAS justifiable AND killing American POWs is the cost of war?See More
Soldier's Angels - Medical Support: Three U.S. POWs added to roster of Hiroshima deaths
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·
Tim Fromlosangeles
@Tim Murphy
//The American POW deaths were unintentional. If the US had to fight their way to Japan, there would have been tens of thousands of US casualties....what would have been your decision if you were Truman?//
And are you saying that... Americans could not defeat an island country who was already defeated? What happened to the American exceptionalism the right always presses? Are you saying now that OUR troops are cowards???See More
59 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Come on Mr Murphy. If a liberal like me can align himself with the Republicans, should not you?
57 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Murphy The US had over 400,000 deaths from the war at this point. What would you have done? You never answered that. I don't care what party Truman came from...he made the right call. Again, without histrionics, what would you have done? Simple question.
57 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles So you're saying that, at the tail-end of the war, the republicans were wrong, the Democrats were right and killing 12 American POWs were justifiable, when the troops could have gone in and rescued them? Is that what you're saying?
55 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles There is my answer
54 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Now answer my question Tim
54 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Murphy Dude, there were 2.3 million troops defending the homeland under a fiercely fanatical general leadership. How do you think that was going to work out in the long haul? They could not have been rescued, the whole country was right and Truman made the call by ending the war by taking out these heathens vs. the choice of thousands more casualties. That's my answer.
46 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles you didn't answer my question. So you support a Democratic President of Killing American POWs, much to the chagrin of the Republican Party? Yes or No
44 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Murphy I did answer your question. Leave politics aside. Truman made the right call.
42 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Answer the question. Prove to me that conservatives don't suffer from the mental disorder cognitive dissonance.
41 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Murphy I'm checking out..........you are a long trip to nowhere. Have a good day.
39 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Oh come on Tim
39 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles You started this and you're cowering away???
39 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Be a man and answer my question
38 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles You start a conversation that questions my integrity, but you cower when you are challenged
38 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles I guess conservatism is a mental illness
38 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles So you support a Democratic President of Killing American POWs, much to the chagrin of the Republican Party? Yes or No
37 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles I say NO! And I am a liberal
37 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Murphy Bro, I've got a business to run and money to be made. I'm one of those guys that the left loves to hate because I'm successful. Got no time for you.
37 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles if truman were alive today, I would announce that I AM A DEMOCRAT AND AND WANT TRUMAN IMPRISONED.
36 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Tim then answer the question
36 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles You asked me and I answered
36 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Stop being a coward and asnwer
36 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles So you support a Democratic President of Killing American POWs, much to the chagrin of the Republican Party? Yes or No
36 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Answer: So you support a Democratic President of Killing American POWs, much to the chagrin of the Republican Party? Yes or No
36 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Coward and mentally ill
35 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Come on grow a pair. You challenged my integrity. Be a man and answer my question: So you support a Democratic President of Killing American POWs, much to the chagrin of the Republican Party? Yes or No
35 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Tim Fromlosangeles Well, The Republican is gone. They suffer from Cognitive Dissonance and now condone a party's action that goes against their own party's values.
18 minutes ago · Like
The right seems to justify death and murder, even though their own party abhors it themselves.
Monday, August 8, 2011
TV News Lie back up.
Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So
Sunday, 07 August 2011 16:11 Jesse Richard
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Let's make one thing crystal clear, no member of the US military contributes in any way whatsoever to protecting the freedoms of the American people. As a matter of fact, they are more likely to turn their weapons on you than they are to defend your Constitutional rights.
The only people on this planet Earth who can affect your freedom are members of Congress, local legislators and the members of enforcement institutions who will blindly follow the rulers who sign their paychecks. And, while your beloved troops are murdering people around the globe, yes, I said murdering, your Congress and local legislators are eliminating your freedoms, en masse, without any intervention by our so-called protectors in the armed forces.
There is no honor in volunteering to go anywhere in the world and kill anybody you are told to, without question, without historical background and without verifying the stated reasons for doing so. In this modern age of information we now know that time and time again our military have been deployed into battle, to kill and be killed, for reasons that in no way shape or form resemble the reasons for which they, or we were told at the time. This is no secret, although many Americans refuse to take off the flag that is wrapped around their eyes and see American history as it really happened. They blindly believe what was told to them by the people who have a vested interest in maintaining myths and misconceptions.
The US military, not once but twice, committed the single largest mass murders in history by dropping nuclear weapons on civilian populations, including of course, on women and children. Say what you want about how it helped end the war....the bottom line is the US could have exploded these devices over uninhabited territory with the same effect of scaring the heck out of the Japanese. But they followed orders that were lies and murdered almost 300,000 people, without question. As a human being I find it hard to honor such “patriotism.”
From the Gulf of Tonkin to the first and second invasions of Iraq, history now teaches us that lies have led our troops to military intervention more often than not. As a matter of fact, it is hard to find an American military intervention in modern history in which the cover story ends up matching the actual events. A little research will show you this. It will also show you how the same people are usually behind funding both sides of military conflict and those doing the funding and instigating have almost always been, how should I say this, the 'good guys.' Yep, westerners on the popular side of conflict are the ones funding the 'bad guys' before they ever are labeled the bad guys.
Prescott Bush, the father and grandfather of George H.W. and George W. respectively, made his fortune by funding the Nazis and Hitler's rise to power. This is the same clan who went after Saddam Hussein in Iraq after they put him in power and armed him in the first place. But why pay attention to details if it interferes with our troop worship and flag waving?
Time and time again we see that the people who make decisions to send troops to war are the very people who profit financially from such wars. Today's troops can see this. It is part of the public record, yet they still do not question their missions. They join the military with a promise never to question orders. Taking history into account, I see no pride in this kind of service.
Recent history provides a very clear lesson for our troops and those who cheer their missions. You have never seen a more clear and egregious example of questionable motivations for military intervention than during the Bush/Cheney administration. A virtual 'who's who' of defense contractors comprised not only the Defense Policy Board, but the office of Vice President. Not to mention that a significant portion of these men signed a document noting that that a 'new Peal Harbor' would be useful in getting public support for their agenda (to increase military spending and activity), and then - just such an attack - the first Pearl Harbor in 60 years took place on 9/11...what a nice coincidence.
Gee, what are the odds of the only 'Pearl Harbor' in 60 years taking place while the men responsible for preventing one (and in positions to create/allow one) were the same men who wrote about benefiting from one. But according to most Americans, it is crazy to suspect them of anything...simply because they are Americans. If Dick Cheney had been a Muslim he would have been hanged 9 years ago.
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans have neither the intellectual curiosity to actually learn about historical events nor the intelligence to actually think about claims made by their leaders or pop-journalism-gate keeping-icons.
For example: Americans have swallowed whole the concept of our troops “protecting our freedom” without ever once asking “how, how does killing foreigners in Iraq or Afghanistan protect our freedom?” Maybe if they asked that question just once and really waited for an answer, a real answer that actually really made sense to them, they would realize there is no answer - because troops killing foreigners have no impact on the freedoms of the American people, and they never will.
Here is another question Americans have not asked, “How can an Iraqi, Pakistani, Afghan or Islamic fundamentalist in other nations take away our freedom?” The answer to this question is of course...by becoming a member of the US Congress.
It is sad that I will be lambasted for speaking the truth about this sensitive subject, but someone has to. The saddest truth however, is that the members of the US military serve today with no honor. They are dangerous and a threat to all free people, here and abroad. In plain terms - they volunteer to kill at the behest of people who have lied to them for generations about why they are being sent to kill. Generations of lies be dammed, they still follow orders, and kill, without question. I repeat - as a human being I see no honor in this.
While it is true that the existence of our military acts to deter nations from invading our shores, credit really should go more to our nuclear arsenal and military technology than to National Guardsman who find themselves shooting at Iraqis in their own homeland. I don't think that it is a deterrent to have private American “security firms” torture, for fun, the “enemies” who are in their own country, in their own neighborhoods, near their own families, and who dare to fight the American military personnel who obliterated their homes, killed their brothers, sisters, children, mothers and fathers, and occupy their soil. The nerve of them!
In the meantime, your freedoms and protections are being systematically eliminated while government protected rights for corporations are expanding beyond your wildest dreams. If this nation had a legitimate mainstream news media you would know this and you would probably take to the streets and revolt because you would realize what some of us already know, your rights, health and wealth have been under assault while you are distracted by bogey men in foreign nations who are supposedly going to take your freedom away!!!
So how free are you and who exactly are the terrorists. Here is how free you are in your own home in your own country. These are just a few examples - off the top of my head. - there are more...but to start...
1. You are not allowed to drink raw milk, no matter how healthy it is, because under certain rare conditions may cause health issues), but you do have the right to smoke chemically addicting cigarettes that when used as directed WILL KILL YOU!
2. You don't have the right to stop your food supply from being contaminated and genetically manipulated, leaving you with no alternative.
3. You don't have the right to collect rain water or grow your own vegetables to feed your family.
4. You have no right to stop corporations from poisoning your air and water.
5. You have no right to treat your ailments naturally because your government has declared that the only way to become healthy is by medications and treatments that will produce big profits for corporations. Healthy food can not benefit your health and if it does the FDA will classify it as a drug.
6. You have no right to raise your child without injecting toxins and dangerous chemicals directly into their blood streams.
7. During the Bush/Cheney administration you had no right to free speech. Special zones called “free speech” zones were created and kept far from Bush and Cheney where those who wanted to speak as free Americans could gather.
8. You are not free to exchange goods and services on your own terms. You must use Federal Reserve Notes, which is NOT U.S. CURRENCY. It is a system of money created and maintained, unconstitutionally, by a cadre of private banks.
9. You are not free to feed homeless people and if you are homeless you are not free to be fed by your fellow citizens.
10. We are not free to know about or have any say about secret activities in which our rulers partake. For example what terrible weapons they create, what biological or chemical programs that may accidentally or purposely destroy us all, how they set up and instigate wars and conflict as well as events that justify actions for which they want to take but have no legitimate justifications.
America is not yet a totalitarian dictatorship, but it is clearly on the way to becoming one. And our beloved troops are doing nothing at all to stop this. What is worse is that some day they may actually be the ones to stop you from doing anything about it. They are already practicing to do so.
So if you want to thank people for protecting your freedom...thank journalists...real ones, not establishment hacks, who try to inform you about what is taking place while you are distracted by nonsense. Thank civil liberty lawyers and staff who don't use their education to make it rich charging criminally high fees for their services. Thank whistle blowers. Thank people who risk a backlash of threats and worse to finally speak the truth to people who simply don't want to know there is a truth beyond the myths that have comforted them throughout their lives. And while you do this I'll thank you for at least listening to these uncomfortable words. Reality is not pretty, but if we all open our eyes to reality maybe we can stop those who make it so ugly.
I don't know about you, but I want to be proud of my country for real reasons, not mythical ones.
Think about it. Jesse Richard – Founder, TvNewsLIES.org
NOTE: The military's mandate is not to protect our freedom it is to protect us from enemies, foreign and domestic. Enemies that pose a military threat and have intentions to act against us. They are not there to protect our freedom.
UPDATE: 08-AUG-2011 - 1:40 PM ET - Interestingly enough this site is being attacked right now...and the first attack came from jacksonville.nmci.navy.mil.
AND 10 minutes ago a barrage of Chinook military helicopters flew over my home in waves. I grabbed my camera but I missed them. I was on the phone when it happened and the other person could hear them. Not very comforting. What the hell were they doing here? Just in case I vanish...
UPDATE: 08-AUG-2011 - 6:57 PM ET - Our site is being attacked big time. Attacks started coming from jacksonville.nmci.navy.mil and have come from there several times throught the day (we apply temporary blocks when this happens). They are perfoming something called SYNFLOODs but they are not alone. Attacks are coming from all over now, some familiar sources and some not so familiar. Wellsfargo.com, baesystems.com and fidelity.com are a few sources that I recognize. This does not mean that these organizations are attacking us but their IP addresses and/or networks are being used in this attack. If you try to reach us and can not try again later. We have backed up the entire site in the event it is taken down.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
GOP.gov - The Website of the Republican Majority in Congress
GOP.gov - The Website of the Republican Majority in Congress
But what happens if we're not a part of the Republican party? At least with organizations like: FBI.gov, FDA.gov, ICE.gov, these group answers to little ol' me, yet the GOP.gov caters only to the Republican party. Some of you may say, big deal! Wjhat about the Democrat[ic] party?
DNC: http://www.democrats.org/about
Even the right winged Democratic wing the DNC: http://www.dlc.org/
Pays for their website and hosting. Why then are the Republicans forcing:
To pay to host their website when none of these people are in no way connected to them? Is this what the GOP stands for? Forcing their policy and belief on others and if we don't follow, pay for them to host their website on a taxpayer-paid server? I think it's time we stand up to the GOP and say: No, we won't pay for website using tax money
DNC: http://www.democrats.org/about
For more than 200 years, Democrats have fought for the interests of working families and equal opportunities for all Americans. We believe in an America where we don’t just look out for ourselves. We’re proud of our individualism, but we also know that we rise and fall as one nation. Throughout history, Democrats have worked from the ground up to bring about the change that matters.
RT @mddems: @GovernorOMalley is expanding early vote & adding online voter reg. GOP Govs suppressing the vote instead http://bit.ly/lwZVRy
3 hours ago
June 13, 2011
In a video today, President Obama and Vice President Biden launched the Campaign to Cut Waste, an initiative to identify and eliminate needless spending by the federal government. This campaign aims to ensure that your tax dollars are not being wasted and that the federal government is operating as efficiently as possible.
June 13, 2011
June 13, 2011
What We Stand For Civil Rights Economy & Job Creation Education Energy Independence Environment Fair Elections Health Care Immigration Reform National Security Open Government Science & Technology Retirement Security Voting Rights
People African Americans Americans with Disabilities Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders Democrats Abroad Ethnic Council Faith Hispanics LGBT Community Native Americans Rural Americans Seniors & Retirees Small Business Community Union Members & Families Veterans & Military Families Women Young People & Students
Paid for by the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC, 20003.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Even the right winged Democratic wing the DNC: http://www.dlc.org/
America First Party | 2002 | ||
American 3rd Party | 1990 | ||
American Nazi Party | 1959 | World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists | |
American Party | 1969 | ||
American Populist Party | 2009 | ||
American Reform Party | 1997 | ||
American Third Position Party | 2010 | ||
America's Independent Party | 2008 | ||
Boston Tea Party | 2006 | ||
Citizens Party of the United States | 2004 | New American Independent Party | |
Constitution Party | 1992 | U.S. Taxpayers' Party | |
Communist Party of the United States of America | 1919 | ||
Christian Liberty Party | 1996 | American Heritage Party | |
Democratic Party | 1828 | Alliance of Democrats | |
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (freedomroad.org faction) | 1985 | ||
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (frso.org faction) | 1985 | ||
Freedom Socialist Party | 1966 | ||
Green Party of the United States | 2001 | Global Greens | |
Independent American Party | 1998 | ||
Independence Party of America | 2007 | ||
Jefferson Republican Party | 2006 | ||
Labor Party | 1996 | ||
Libertarian National Socialist Green Party | 1997 | ||
Libertarian Party | 1971 | ||
Modern Whig Party | 2008 | ||
National Socialist Movement | 1974 | ||
New Union Party | 1974 | ||
Objectivist Party | 2008 | ||
Party for Socialism and Liberation | 2004 | ||
Peace and Freedom Party | 1967 | ||
Populist Party of America | 2002 | ||
Progressive Labor Party | 1961 | Progressive Labor Movement | * |
Prohibition Party | 1869 | ||
Raza Unida Party | 1970 | ||
Reform Party of the United States of America | 1995 | ||
Revolutionary Communist Party, USA | 1975 | ||
Socialist Action | 1983 | Fourth International | |
Socialist Alternative | 1986 | Committee for a Workers' International | |
Socialist Equality Party | 1966 | Workers League | International Committee of the Fourth International |
Socialist Labor Party of America* | 1876 | Workingmen's Party | |
Socialist Party USA | 1973 | ||
Socialist Workers Party | 1938 | Pathfinder tendency (unofficial) | |
U.S. Marxist–Leninist Organization | 1981 | ||
United States Marijuana Party | 2002 | ||
United States Pirate Party | 2006 | Pirate Parties International | |
Unity Party of America | 2004 | ||
Workers Party | 2003 | ||
Workers World Party | 1959 | ||
Working Families Party | 1998 | ||
World Socialist Party of the United States |
To pay to host their website when none of these people are in no way connected to them? Is this what the GOP stands for? Forcing their policy and belief on others and if we don't follow, pay for them to host their website on a taxpayer-paid server? I think it's time we stand up to the GOP and say: No, we won't pay for website using tax money
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